Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Pet Peeves

Ok so like everyone else I have a few pet peeves in my life, especially my work life. Some of these are just plain stupid and annoying, others are just plain infuriating, but all of them are over petty little things that really have little to no consequence to my well being, except perhaps my mental state of health.

Take for instance, people who just have to push on the glass of the door even though there is a perfectly good handle to push on. Or better yet the people that use their whole forearm to pry open the door, leaving behind not just a greasy hand print, but a large greasy arm print as well. Are you afraid of germs? Does the fact that the windows and doors are cleaned daily persuade you to push on glass and not the handle that everyone is supposed to use? Is it seriously to hard to push where you're supposed to? Luckily at the store I work at the front doors are backwards from the norm. They push open to the inside and can only be pulled open from the inside. Law actually states this is illegal, but what does my company care? It always cracks me up when someone goes to push the door open (the one clearly marked PULL) with their hand or arm at full speed and ends up running into an effectual wall. Payback's a pisser ain't it? Now here's a paper towel clean up your arm print!

That's another thing, people can't read. Or at least they only read what they want to read. It always amazes me that a person will get a sale flyer with a HUGE date range on it and come into the store three or four days before the sale starts expecting to get those prices. Or the people that don't pay attention to the expiration dates on coupons. They're the same people that get pissed their coupon expired TWO YEARS AGO because they didn't see the date range on it. I wish I could magically learn and forget skills at will, how handy would that be?

Another pet peeve of mine is people that don't listen. This ranges a bit in context but it's just as annoying as people who don't read. "I'm telling you that those two electronic devices will not communicate the way that you want them too", "well I'm gonna have them installed by a professional, so I'm gonna get them anyways, he'll make it work". WTF do you think I am? I just volunteer here, I don't get paid to pass along my knowledge. Of course a couple days later whatever item that person bought gets returned and invariably nobody ever told him that it wouldn't work with what he wanted. Another form of not listening happens at checkout. We have to ask if the person has a membership with our company and most of the time they do, we scan their card and go about our business. Every other day or so however, I get a person who replies to my inquiry with "No thank". I wasn't offering moron, I was asking. Apparently I mean so little to you that you don't have to listen to me. It would be one thing if it was a credit card, but it's not, it's simple free membership that makes our job easier, your record keeping easier, and actually saves you money. But oh well, you don't want one, even though I was going to save you some money today with it.

Of course customers aren't the only people who get on my nerves, other employees do the same. How hard is it to break down a box once you've put away it's contents? You already have a knife on you just cut the tape and fold it up as you're walking to the back to toss it in the back room. And how about people who just can't seem to learn how to work a simple point of sale program? It never changes, asks the same info every single time, and is designed so a monkey could use it, yet there are always people who could work for the company for well over a year or even two and never learn how to do a basic transaction. It's true I've seen it with my own eyes, and if one of those people has to call me away from a potentially huge sale one more time just so I can hit F6 like the screen prompted I might just loose it.

So there you have it, a couple of the pet peeves that make my blood boil.

1 comment:

kevonionia said...

Capn Jack: No matter how much that employee discount is at West, you got to end up doing something using your writing ability. That Sea Ray blog and your boat-pursuit are really good. You ought to keep a journal or log of your search for a boat and turn it into a monthly article to put into a magazine like Southwinds. You ought to contact Steve Morrell the editor to see if he is interested. You'd have both sides of the fence -- those wanting to get into sailing/cruising and those in it -- interested by the story.
Keep writing.